Getting ready for a three week journey to Madeira, Portugal was a big deal this year.
We planned it for almost five months before we left, finding a nice home we both liked in an area of the island that we both liked, rented an automatic car so we both could drive, considered all the hikes we wanted to do, researched weather as best we could, bought some new rain gear and a couple of balaclavas because we are going to be hiking above the clouds a couple of times, packed the right layered clothing for those hikes as well as packing our casual wear.
We both like to travel as lightly as possible, which means tons of decisions on what makes the cut and what stays. Over and over, we remind each other that we should pack for 7 days and then wear those clothes three times. We remind ourselves we have a washing machine in the house we rented. Several times, the words, “if we haven’t packed it and we need it, we’ll buy it”, are spoken.
But it’s a good feeling when you are ready and for me, I love feeling ready to travel…
We are off to Madeira.
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