Scuba Diving

Scuba diving occupied many years of my life, from the moment I visited The Florida Keys in 1976 and was fascinated by the explosion of life under the waters off Marathon Key. By 1980, I had begun diving off the coast of Isla Mujeres, which was then a deserted island and completed my Instructors Certification in January off the coast of Vancouver Island. Since then, I have logged over 3000 dives.

One of my proudest accomplishments was completing my Master Scuba Diver Trainer’s Certificate and leading the World Wildlife Fund’s Board of Directors on diving tours in Belize in an effort to educate the board and secure funding for offshore moorings.

Conservation Scuba Diving

Master Scuba Diver Trainer

I hold an active Master Scuba Diver Trainer’s Certificate and have over 3000 logged dives. In 1978, I was lucky enough to travel to Isla Mujeres off the coast of Cancun to do some snorkelling for a few days.…

Scuba Diving Travel


Cozumel is the largest inhabited island in Mexico and the oldest in the Caribbean group and is located 12 miles off the eastern coast of the mainland (Yucatan Peninsula). A limestone plateau forms the base of the island, which…

Scuba Diving

Giant Green Sea Anemones

Carnivorous and always hungry, sea anemones are not plants, as some people might think, but silent slow-motion predators that will devour any small animal careless enough to stray within reach of their deadly tentacles. Equipped with tiny poisonous harpoons…

Scuba Diving

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

I love turtles. I love being able to swim with turtles in the open water. Not particularly large compared to other sea turtles, Hawksbills grow up to about 45 inches in shell length and 150 pounds in weight. While young,…

Scuba Diving

Queen Parrotfish

Queen parrotfish are herbivores that graze the reef, using their beaks to scrape plants and algae from the reef surface. This habit involves ingesting corals and sometimes other animals as well, but they are primarily herbivorous. Through their feeding…

Scuba Diving

Flamingo Tongue Snail

The Flamingo Tongue Snail is a small marine snail that lives on coral reefs in the western Atlantic Ocean. For many years, I wanted to photograph one but never seemed to have my camera with me when I spotted…

Scuba Diving Travel

The Wreck of The Rhone

The Wreck of The Rhone lies within the Rhone National Park off the western coast of Salt Island in the British Virgin Islands. The area is teeming heavily with marine life and it’s common to see stingrays, turtles, sharks…