Life Stories


Early July of 2022 found us all getting dressed up for the first time in several years to attend an old friends family wedding. It was an occasion I wanted us to cherish, because, as we age, there are less and less times we get to dress up and be with our family, as a family, together… and the wedding we were attending was an extension of family. Linda DiNardo and Yim have been the best of friends for over 50 years and being able to attend the wedding of her son Sebastian to Daphne was an occasion that spanned generations.

Suyin and Cody (Yim’s children) had grown up with the DiNardo Boys and when Yim and I started dating 25 years ago, they were the first of her friends I was introduced to so I have also known the boys since they were young.

Sebastian and Yim

The wedding was held in St. Armand, Quebec, quite close to the Vermont border and was held at Domaine Du Ridge Vineyards. The vineyard is impressive and has over 180,000 grape vines, which makes it a leader in the number of plants grown in the province. Their estate has made a name for itself throughout the Québec wine-producing network and their traditional craftsmanship and love for the wine culture are the very basis of their success. It was a beautiful location for a wedding and we enjoyed their lovely wines….

Yim and Linda.

The ceremony was performed by Sebastian’s Uncle Tony, a fine and entertaining Orator. He did a great job blending a traditional ceremony with his own bits of blended personality. He is a character in and of himself… but the ceremony was beautiful. It was filled with joy and laughter and tears and friendship. It was filled with friends.

I’ve gotten to know the DiNardo family over the years and they are a family oriented bunch. A gang of people I am pleased to call my friends. The wedding was a tad unconventional as guests were treated with the opportunity to have free tattoos… something more women than men took advantage of but which was a unique option for a wedding while cousins of the Bride and Groom played beautiful music under a canopy of vines while 100 + guests chatted and drank good wine.

Natalie, Yim and Suyin

Being able to attend a wedding of people we love with people we love was a treat for us. If this all sounds sappy well it’s probably because it is.

Oh yes, I also got to spend time wth Annabelle DiNardo, a little angel with whom I got the chance to spend some quality time with as her vantage point during the wedding dances, so she could watch.

Annabelle and Steve



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