Plant Based

Fibre and Poop…

For every gram of fibre we eat, we can increase our stool by nearly two grams, due to the fiber fermentation process in our colon. 

Why should we care how much we poop as long as we aren’t constipated? 

Well, larger bowel movements are associated with lower risk of appendicitis, colon cancer, and diverticulitis. By weight, the bulk of our stool is pure bacteria, trillions and trillions of bacteria. 

Fibre is what our good gut bacteria thrive on, their fuel source. When we eat whole plant foods, like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, we are telling our gut flora to be fruitful and multiply.⁠

During the fibre fermentation process, our gut flora produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), which are an important source of energy for the cells lining our colon. So, we feed our flora with fibre, and they turn around and feed us right back. 

These SCFA help suppress inflammation and cancer. You can learn more about short-chain fatty acids here:

When we don’t eat enough whole plant foods, we are, in effect, starving our microbial selves. 

A typical Western diet, one lacking in whole plant-based foods, results in dysbiosis, an imbalance where bad bacteria can take over and may increase our susceptibility to inflammatory diseases, colon cancer, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.

So eat your beans…

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