Life & Stories

Grateful for our life

I’ve come to a point in our lives where I recognize that I am grateful for every day. It’s become important to me at this stage to recognize our life and live in the moment…

In a world that constantly pushes us to want more, it’s easy to overlook what we already have. And that’s where the recognition of gratitude comes in.

Gratitude, in Buddhism teachings, is about appreciating the abundance that exists in our lives. It’s about shifting our focus from what we lack to what we have.

When we’re grateful, we’re not yearning for something different or better. We’re acknowledging and appreciating what is, right here and right now.

And the beauty of this practice is that there’s always something to be grateful for.

For example;

Yim and I are in still in love with each other after 26 years. We support each other and want the best for each other. We want each other to feel fulfilled and living life the way we each want to.

We live in a beautiful house in a beautiful location.

We have financial security, something I am incredibly grateful for.

We are healthy and have active fitness routines we both enjoy.

We have other interests which we each enjoy – sewing, photography, ballet, gardening, burlesque…

I have a newfound interest in nutrition, food and cooking.

We have travelled around much of the world.

We have home gardens that make me smile, feed us and keep me interested.

We have intelligent friends and an interesting family.

We are committed to eating the healthiest diet we can.

We are committed to living a sustainable, somewhat minimalistic life.

Looking at our life fills me with gratitude.

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