Plant Based Thoughts

    Foods that protect Telomeres…

    We used to believe that our DNA was our destiny. The exciting news is that our lifestyle choices can impact our DNA. In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for unlocking the mysteries of telomeres, the end caps that protect our chromosomes. Telomeres have been likened to the plastic tips of a shoelace. When they get damaged, the shoelaces (our chromosomes) become frayed and can no longer do their job well. Telomeres are shortened every…

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  • Hiking Travel

    The Grotto in January

    The Grotto, up north of us, in the Bruce Peninsula National Park, has become one of Southern Ontario’s most popular tourist destinations in the summer. Located near Tobermory, it’s close to…

  • Creative Direction

    Twin Pines Orchards

    I first met Michael and Mark Vansteenkiste of Twin Pines Orchards & Cider House in the summer of 2016. I was developing an organic Hard Cider with another partner and I…

  • Hiking Travel

    Nottawasaga Bluffs

    The Nottawasaga Bluffs Conservation Area is a 400-acre jewel on the Escarpment. The unique geology has created a veritable land before time, as deep crevasses cut their way through the hardwood…

  • Hiking Travel

    Manitoulin Island

    The name of the island, Manitoulin, is the English version of the Ojibwe name Manidoowaaling, which means “Cave of the Spirit”. It was named for an underwater cave where a powerful spirit is…

  • Life & Stories


    The First Step in Creating a New Life is to Get Rid of Everything you Don’t Want. Long before my cancer diagnosis, I worked to declutter my part of our lives.…

  • Hiking Travel

    Creemore Nature Preserve

    Known locally as “The Mingay,” after the family who originally owned and donated the land in 1987, the Creemore Nature Preserve is an important part of the local community as this…

  • Hiking Travel

    Duncan Caves Trail

    The Duncan Caves Trail is a 12.4 kilometre moderately trafficked loop trail located between Ravenna and Kimberly that features a waterfall, Mills Creek and Metcalfe Rock and is rated as is…

  • Plant Based Thoughts

    What is a Pescatarian Diet?

    A healthy pescatarian diet is largely made up of minimally processed plant foods, plus seafood and possibly dairy and eggs. A pescatarian is someone who adds fish and seafood to a…