Our Travels

The best things in life aren’t things. They’re the experiences and connections that shape us and travel has always had a place in my life from the time I was a boy until today.

In 1998, Yim joined me on the adventure and our big trips are still to come.

I enjoy writing about our travels and using my photography to illustrate them as a way of recording a life I am grateful for. I hope you find something you enjoy.

Bruce Caves

The Bruce Caves were formed by the wave action of post-glacial Lake Algonquin – 7,000 to 8,000 years ago. The cave formations are dramatic illustrations of the weathering processes and impresses upon us the magnitude of the post-glacial lake levels.  The hike in is a short fifteen minutes hike along the lower slope of the…

New Orleans

On November of 2015, we decided to take an impromptu getaway to New Orleans and we had a ball. What a place. It was impossible to visit without staying up much too late, drinking too much and listening to very late night Jazz, so that is exactly what we did. We managed to snag a…


This post spans almost 9 years of hiking around Tobermory on The Bruce Trail and showcases a bit of every season. Tobermory is located at the top of the Bruce Peninsula and offers visitors fresh, clean air, gorgeous scenery, tranquil waters, and the darkest sky’s in southern Ontario. Until European colonization in the mid-19th century,…

Lions Head

Lion’s Head is a small port village, located on the shores of Isthmus Bay in the upper part of the Bruce Peninsula.  Surrounded by beautiful limestone cliffs which, when viewed from Georgian Bay, resemble the head of a lion, give Lion’s Head it’s name. Lion’s Head is also located at the 45th parallel – exactly…

Half Log Dump

Located on the northern tip of the Bruce Peninsula, and spread along the shore of Georgian Bay, Halfway Log Dump is a unique and beautiful destination. The origin of the name – Half Log Dump – refers to the use of the area as a halfway dump site for lumber. From this spot logs would…

Flowerpot Island

Flowerpot Island is located about 6 km off the shore of Tobermory on the tip of Bruce Peninsula. While Flowerpot Island is not the largest island in the Fathom Five National Marine Park archipelago, it is the most visited, and access to the other islands is limited. The only way to get to Flowerpot Island…

Jones Falls

Jones Falls is a small 12 metre high cascading waterfall, which flows over the escarpment into the Pottawatomi River,found on the outskirts of Owen Sound, Ontario. It is within the Pottawatomi Conservation Area, which encompasses 116 hectares of land along the Niagara Escarpment. A short walk through the woods leads to a beautifully constructed footbridge which…

Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island lies off southwestern mainland British Columbia, Canada. With an area of 12,079 square miles, it is the largest island on the Pacific coast of North America. Vancouver Island is separated from mainland Canada by the straits of Georgia, Johnstone, and Queen Charlotte and from the United States by Juan de Fuca Strait. The island, averaging 50 miles…

Avatar Grove

Avatar Grove is a phenomenal stand of giant old-growth red cedar and Douglas fir alongside the Gordon River, approximately fifteen minutes away from Port Renfrew within the traditional territory of the Pacheedaht First Nation. The area was recently declared off limits to logging through a new Old-Growth Management Area in February, 2012 after a two year…

Mount Baker

Mount Baker in Washington State is an impressive 10,781 foot volcano that can be seen for hundreds of miles away. At the time we were living in Victoria and could almost always see Mount Baker in the distance so one weekend, we invited our friends Karen and Nick and set off for some exploring. To…